

Różnicowa kalorymetria skaningowa DSC jako narzędzie analityczne oceny autentyczności oleju lnianego.

XLV Sesja Naukowa Komitetu Nauk o Żywności i Żywieniu PAN


Isothermal and non-isothermal assessment of thermos-oxidative stability of Camelina sativa L. seed oils from different varieties.

17th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry


Physicochemical properties of Camelina sativa L. oil pressed from the seeds of different varieties.

13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate


DSC study from sesame seeds to oil and products of various origin.

13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate


Comparison of thermal and chemical properties of commercial and home cold-pressed raspberry seeds oil obtained from by-product

IXth International Session of Young Scientific Staff


Thermo-oxidative stability of cold pressed hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) seed oils from cultivar of Greater Poland region

IXth International Session of Young Scientific Staff


Porównanie właściwości termicznych handlowych i własnych olejów tłozonych na zimno z nasion malin jako produktu odpadowego

III Wielkopolska Konferencja Nauka Gospodarce


Wpływ prędkości skanowania na profil przejścia fazowego olejów z nasion konopi siewnych odmiany henola

III Wielkopolska Konferencja Nauka Gospodarce


Impact of scanning rates on crystallization and melting profiles of hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) oils

36th EFFoST International Conference: Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future


Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) seed oil characterization: DSC melting-crystallization and FTIR spectroscopy studies

5th ISEKI E-conferences: “Current food innovation trends: the texture and consumer perception perspective”


Storage stability study of cold-pressed raspberry seed oil by differential scanning calorimetry

Xth International Session of Young Scientific Staff “Food Science Development. Sustainable Future”


Natural variation in thermal behaviour of cold-pressed raspberry seed oil studied by differential scanning calorimetry

19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo


Deterioration in quality of three cold pressed oils during storage measured by differential scanning calorimetry

19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo


Untargeted lipidomic and DSC profiling for the differentiation of three cold-pressed oils

19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo


Authenticity and stability study of cold pressed flaxseed oils by analyzing DSC melting profiles

Xth International Session of Young Scientific Staff “Food Science Development. Sustainable Future”